


Reference Materials


Merit Badge Requirement Checklist


Suggested Activities



-          Eleven mini classes (this is the first).

-          Some classes must be taken in sequence.

-          Some classes can be taken in any order.

-          Classes (except for this introduction and the radio contact) will be in groups of 4-5 scouts.

-          Passing off badge requirements will be on a one-on-one basis.

-          Encouraged to move to other classes rather than wait to pass off requirements.

-          Merit badge counselor and volunteers other than the class instructor can work with you to pass off requirements.



-          Same requirements as in merit badge pamphlet, but divided into smaller pieces.

-          Put your name on checklist and keep it with you so it can be signed by the volunteers as you complete each requirement.

-          Merit badge counselor will review the checklist with you and complete and sign your blue card.





-          Rest room location, lunch arrangements, waste baskets, off limits areas, etc.

-          We are guests of the City of Belen and the Metropolitan Court Judge.  Please keep everything clean and neat.




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